Dental Insurance

Your insurance coverage is an arrangement between your insurance company and your place of employment.   Please be aware that your coverage may not be based on the current dental fee guide.  The amount of coverage that has been arranged does not involve the dentist.  Our staff would be happy to complete your insurance forms and mail them to your insurance company.  Your insurance company will in turn send the funds directly to this office. 

Our insurance coordinator deals with many different insurance companies. Some companies offer many different dental plans. These companies can change benefits, co-pays, and deductibles many times throughout the year. We do our best to provide you with accurate coverage estimates based on information available to us. At times, it is almost impossible to accurately estimate a patient's insurance co-payment. Many insurance companies will not give out fees until after the treatment is completed. Dealing with these companies can be difficult and time consuming. As a courtesy, we ask that you keep us informed of any change to your insurance. It is important that all information about you and your insurance is current.

The out of pocket portion must be paid at each appointment.  You are responsible for any treatment no longer covered by your dental plan.

Please contact us  by e-mail, if you have any questions, or call (314) 298-7772 today!!!

Did You Know?

  • Dental benefit companies do not inform dental offices of changes to your policy.
  • Dental benefits may not cover 100% of your dentistry.
  • Our fees are based on our clinical expertise, the quality of care and materials provided.
  • Coverage is being reduced drastically.   This means that many necessary treatments may no longer be covered by your plan.

Our team members are qualified to help you if you have any questions:

If you have any questions regarding your coverage, we recommend that you call your insurance company.  We would like to avoid the disappointment of your proceeding with the necessary treatment that the dentist has recommended, because you assume that it is covered.  If you later find out that your plan has changed, or that the treatment is no longer covered, you will be unhappy.

We are a preferred provider to several insurance companies.  Our insurance coordinator will be happy to discuss with you how being a preferred provider affects your fees and payment options.  We are happy to offer our patients a pre-determination of treatment fees, which can be sent to your insurance company for confirmation of your coverage.  This will enable you to plan your finances, before commencing with treatment.

You need to be aware that insurance companies will sometimes send back approvals with a request for cheaper alternative treatment plans.  Our office is happy to discuss any alternatives and choices with you prior to treatment.

We encourage our patients to be familiar with their dental plan in order to eliminate disappointment with payment and reimbursement.